
NAAB: The Fundamentals of Program-Level Assessment


The Fundamentals of Program-Level Assessment

NAAB is excited to introduce our new in-depth workshop, designed to help programs develop an effective, robust process of program-level assessment. This three-hour course will be delivered virtually on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, from 10:00am–1:00pm EST. The cost of the workshop is $200 per participant.

Who should attend?
This workshop is designed for both participants who are new to program assessment and those who would like to evaluate their existing program assessment process against current best practices.

Why now?
NAAB’s 2020 Conditions require programs to engage in a process of continuous improvement by using outcomes-based assessment of student learning to evaluate their achievement of the NAAB Conditions and use the results of that assessment to drive improvements. This workshop supplements the training and resources provided to programs to offer participants an in-depth look at the key elements of an effective program assessment process.

What will you learn?
Following this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the similarities and differences between course and program assessment.
  • Develop measurable student learning outcomes and identify a variety of methods to assess those outcomes.
  • Create rubrics that provide programs with meaningful information on student performance.
  • Design a process to analyze, discuss, and report assessment results and use those results for continuous improvement.

Please email us at with any questions.

Register here.