
Workshops and Program Trainings

NAAB-accredited and applicant programs are encouraged to seek out training and professional development opportunities geared toward program improvement. Such programs may be available through a number of professional organizations both inside and outside of the field of architecture. In doing so, please be advised that the trainings offered by NAAB and listed on this page comprise the only official training program recognized by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) to assist in preparing programs for the accreditation process and to comply with the NAAB 2020 Conditions and Procedures. 

NAAB does not recognize or endorse any other training program and does not take a position with respect to any claims made by such training programs of their quality, effectiveness, or impact on a program’s experience in the accreditation process or its outcome.

Upcoming Trainings

Completing Your Program’s Annual Report

Who Should Attend? Representatives of accredited programs who are responsible for submitting the program’s Annual Report

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm ET
Register for September 24, 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Register for October 3, 2024

NAAB Accreditation Office Hours

Accreditation Office Hours are held from 12:00-1:00 pm ET on the second Tuesday of every month and from 4:00-5:00 pm ET on the fourth Thursday of each month. Office Hours is an open forum to engage with NAAB staff and peers to discuss questions, ideas, and innovations in your programs. To join us, please click on the registration links below. You will need to register for each session you would like to attend.

Please note, Tuesday and Thursday Office Hours use different registration links.

Past Trainings

Introduction to NAAB Communities

NAAB is excited to introduce users to our new online peer networking and information sharing communities, created to provide programs and volunteers with opportunities to share expertise, discuss topics of interest, and connect with colleagues. Please note that communities are invitation-only for individuals who are part of a NAAB accredited or candidate program and/or are approved site visit team pool member, a user account at is necessary to access NAAB communities and this workshop. If you meet these requirements and have not received an invitation, please contact us at 

How to Write an APR

This workshop is designed for programs who are starting the process of writing their APR. The presentation includes a review of the 2020 Conditions, introduces programs to the components of the APR, provides guidance for writing the APR, and reviews the resources available to programs during the process.

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Wrapping Up Your APR

This workshop is designed for programs who are preparing to submit their APR. The presentation includes a review of the 2020 Conditions and the accreditation process, the assessment cycle, ways to demonstrate compliance, and elements of good practice in writing the APR.

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Hosting a Successful On-Campus Site Visit

This workshop is designed to prepare programs who have upcoming accreditation site visits. The presentation provides a review of the accreditation process, pre-visit preparations, and the logistics of hosting a team of site visitors.

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2020 Conditions and Procedures: Accreditation Review 

This session focuses on outcomes-based assessment framework, discussion of program and student criteria, and examples of evidence for compliance.  (Originally presented at the 2021 ACSA Administrators Conference

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2020 Conditions and Procedures: Organizing Evidence with the Digital Guidelines

As part of the virtual site visits, and according to the 2020 Conditions and Procedures, programs need to organize all their evidence of compliance in a digital format for their accreditation visit. NAAB developed the Digital Guidelines to help programs collect and organize their supporting documentation in a standardized format to allow for an efficient review by visiting teams. Join NAAB Directors and Staff in the discussion of Digital Guidelines. 

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Ask NAAB: Q&A with NAAB Directors and Staff

We know that the accreditation process can be confusing and raise many questions. From when to start to how granular the evidence of compliance needs to be, NAAB is here to answer questions from programs interested in accreditation. Whether your program is going through re-accreditation or seeking accreditation for the first time, this session will provide an opportunity to get more information about the process.

Visit our FAQ Page

2020 Conditions and Procedures: In-Depth Review of Program and Student Criteria

Overview of the requirements for Condition 3 including the difference between Program and Student Criteria, information on teaching and learning practices, and examples of evidence for programs to demonstrate compliance with the Criteria. 

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2020 Conditions and Procedures: Outcomes-Based Assessment Framework

Review of outcomes-based practices, cycle of assessment, and examples of evidence to demonstrate compliance with 2020 Conditions and on-going program improvement. 

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Implementation of the 2020 Conditions and Procedures

Overview of 2020 Conditions including the process that led to their development and the philosophy of shared values; innovation; and diversity, equity, and inclusivity; with a focus on assessment. Review of supporting 2020 Procedures for collecting and submitting evidence of compliance and student work. (Originally presented at the 2021 ACSA Annual Meeting)

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Your Questions Answered: 2021 Visits under the 2020 Conditions

Q&A Session built around questions from program administrators and faculty.


These training materials (content) were developed by the National Architectural Accreditation Board (NAAB) for the exclusive use of NAAB-accredited and applicant programs. As such all content is the property of NAAB and is protected under U.S. Copyright laws. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, create derivative works, transmit, or in any way exploit any such content, nor may you distribute any part of this content over any network, including a local area network, sell or offer it for sale, or use such content to construct any kind of database. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other notice from copies of the content on the NAAB website. Copying or storing any content except as provided above is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of NAAB.

© 2024 by the National Architectural Accrediting Board. All Rights Reserved.